Zaccaria Magic Castle Refurbishing project !
Magic Castle (SS) 1984 Zaccaria
In October 10th 2009 I became the owner of a Zaccaria Magic Castle pinball. It proved to be a more advanced game than I first thought with a
lot of unusual features. On a closer look today I went more and more pleased about my purchase when I saw that playfield is in a
very good condition and only one playfield plastic is broken (missing part) and the roof over the upper playfield is cracked,it turned
out when my kids were playing with a ball on the playfield that the missing playfield plastic part came out from a tunnel. Yes,
the playfield plastic can be saved in any way.
I feel more and more euphoric of owning a pinball machine with ancestry from Italy and from the mid-eighties. Certainly this will
increasingly be seen as a complete renovation project starting from the playfield to the electronics part of the machine, but I think the
pinball machine has potential when the renovation is completed. I've already seen some characteristics that differ from other manufacturers
from the same era as, react flipper, mechanical backbox animation, fluorescent lamp to illuminate the back glass, humorous speech,
"look at your score, what do you think," bonus advance time. The pinball brand Zaccaria was before for me only a odd name with hard to
obtain spare parts, then so be it, but now I see more and more how of these Italian pinball machines seem to have a lot of charm.
Unfortunately, back glass was in a thousand of pieces, but it is possible to restore by a self-made "translite". This pinball machine
has been in storage for five years without attention and previous owners have never had time to restore the machine and wanted to get
rid of it to a serious collector instead of sending it to the junkyard, it was here I turned up and now it's for me to spend a lot of
celestial energy and hours to get machine in original condition again - TLC - Tender, Love and Care.
Spontaneous I feel that this project can be very fun. On an initial review of circuit boards, I see no burnt or damaged components,
my main concern was leakage from the battery Ncid (NiCd battery pack) on the CPU board, but this was previously removed and replaced
by a 1.5 V battery. As an old painter I like the colour scheme used on the playfield and the backbox. I will only say, this is the
journey of my ZACC..ula...
Albin (ALB) och Alva kollar in Magic Castle, Zaccaria!
Arbetstid: xx h
Antal switchar: xxx st
Antal lampor #47 backbox: xx st
Antal lampor #47 spelplan: xx st
Average Fun Rating: 7.2/10
Manufacturer: Zaccaria, of Bologna, Italy (1974-1987)
MPU: Zaccaria Generation 2
Type: Solid State Electronic (SS)
Players: 4
Theme: Fantasy - Vampires
Specialty: Mechanical Backbox Animation
Notable Features: Flippers (4), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), 4-bank drop targets (2), 3-bank drop targets (1), Standup targets (4),
Single drop target (1). Small, raised upper playfield at top of ramp. One flipper used to save ball from draining on right outlane.
Backglass animation of Zaccula in his castle.
Art by: Lorenzo Rimondini
Notes: It uses a 1B1165/2 MPU, five 1B11150/0 (8 Digit) Display boards, a 1B11136/0 Sound board, a 1B1166 driver board, and
a 1B11167/0 Power Supply board. The sound board uses the TMS5200 speech chip which was also used by Bally on their
"Squawk and Talk" sound board.
Referens: IPDB
BILDER Zaccaria Magic Castle 1984
Note the ZZZ symbol on the playfield glass - awesome cool!
Inside castle Zaccula.
Hmmm...Genie and Magic Castle will probably enjoy standing together side by side!
Pleasure and Pinball